The Freedom Economy

Aishwarya Agrawal
3 min readJan 8, 2023

“There’s more to life than work. Even if you really enjoy your work.”

-Eli Altman

We often find ourselves, or those around us, getting so swept up in their work, that it overtakes who they are. But why do you think that’s happened?

Over the years, schools and companies have conditioned us into believing that having a 9–5 job at a fortune 500 is the only definition of success. And while that may be true in the case of a few, it definitely is NOT, for most.

Job = Security

Office = work

Flexible = Unstable,

not anymore.

Long gone are the days when these were the absolute truths of one’s work life. The professionals and creatives of today believe in taking charge of their work-life and not the other way around, and they couldn’t be more right.

We’re coming together to redefine the notions of stability, the way they should be. ‘Flexible’ is no longer a taboo word in the business world. Independents embrace it and employers are realizing why.

In case I haven’t been able to make the case for flexibility yet (really though?), let’s take a look at the numbers:

1. 45% of millennials look at flexibility over salary while choosing companies to work with.

2. 58% of respondents (from a survey conducted in 2018) mentioned that flexible working improved their job satisfaction.

3. “96% of the workforce needs some form of flexibility, yet only 42% have access to the flexibility they need, and only 19% have access to a range of flexible options”.

Now, let’s give this a little more context.

Starting with what this magical term ‘flexible work’ really means-

Flexibility is the over-arching term that is used to describe the roles that move away from the traditional rigidity of the 9–5. It includes things like a four days work week, the option to work remotely from a place that’s not the designated office space, allowing for an employee to craft their own schedules for the most part, and so on.

Flexible work acknowledges the uniqueness and individuality of every person in the workforce. It makes people feel heard. It allows them to take on the responsibility of being more accountable to themselves.

And do you know what the best part is? It isn’t a one-way route. Companies everywhere are not only applying this to ensure the well-being of their clients but also because indirectly, it’s good business for them! With fewer real estate expenditures and higher productivity levels of their staff, they can actually save costs and use those funds for the business.

Flexible work may seem like just a financial issue, but it’s so much more than that. It’s very much a socio-cultural and human issue that has the potential to bring about a revolution. It breaks down the hierarchical walls between employers and employees by laying the path for mutual respect. It’s the only dynamic solution to today’s dynamic problems.

And so I say, with utmost confidence, that flexible work is the way to the Freedom Economy.



Aishwarya Agrawal

I’m a visual communicator and I’m extremely passionate about leveraging visual tools for storytelling and building narratives.